Dear Thyroid - OMG Why did I wait so long!!

What the fuck did I ever do to you? You are a sneaky little bastard, sneaking up on me like this. Today's visit was the first step, damn you.
Tomorrow we will take our asses to the lab, and eventually be told what we already know. Mom's got it, Mom's Mom's got it, and thanks to those good ol' hereditary genes, yup, so do we. Hypothyroidism. Why did I wait so long to do this?
I know why, Im just angry at myself for letting it go this long.
I'm 30 for Pete's sake! I'm damn near friggin bald, and what's left of my hair is speckled with gray! I'm suffocating my poor daughter with the thermostat set on 80, I'm a total friggin bitch, my skin is so dry and flaky I feel like pigpen walking around with a cloud of dry skin and hair around me. Its disgusting, and I hate you.
I used to be pretty and feel sexy dammit! I dieted and lost 50 friggin pounds and felt so great!
Sure, you were still torturing me, but slowly, so I couldn't notice what you were up to. Then WHAM!
Lucky for us, that wonderful sexy ass man we are dating hasn't dropped our crazy ass yet, but I get the feeling he's getting a little tired of being pushed away after doing it like rabbits for 6 years. Still wondering why he hasn't proposed after all this time, my dear thyroid??? HELLO - we've been a raging friggin lunatic the last year and half! I bet it didn't help!
So here it is, I'm giving you fair warning right now. Today's visit to Dr. Atkin was my way of telling you its on pal! It's not going to be easy, I know, but I want my hair back, I want my energy back, I want my sex drive and dammit I want my life back!
And I'm going to get it. You watch me.
Damn you for doing this to me right when everything else was so perfect. HELLO!?!? - weren't you there between the ages of 14-25??? Life was a NIGHTMARE! You wait until I've finally straightened everything out and I'm happier than ever to spring this shit on me? Real fuckin nice.
Yours Truly,
Labels: Dear Thyroid Hate Letter, hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism hereditary